
The world is so full of mystery and wonder if we simply seek & discover. Ancient history has vastly more mystery than what orthodox paradigm wants you to believe.

Meet your author

James L. Patterson

Independent Researcher, Objective Realist
Image of author, James L. Patterson

Ancient history is a subject which most of humanity cares little. However, I find it extremely fascinating, mysterious and ultimately enlightening. Over the last 20+ years I’ve been exposed to innumerable examples of ancient anomalistic evidence, which if viewed from an empirical, objective and scientific viewpoint challenges the less-than-credible orthodox theories that currently reign as the “scientific consensus.” Yet, this so-called “consensus” is severely lacking in addressing its obvious weaknesses to those with even a basic understanding of engineering, construction and materials science – or pretty much anyone with a critical thinking brain.  Let’s talk about all that evidence and see how ridiculous is the so-called orthodox science.